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How can I sell my NFT?

How to Sell NFTs on OpenSea on the Polygon Chain:

Ensure your wallet is connected to the Polygon network. If it isn’t, you will have to add the Polygon Network to MetaMask manually.

  1. Log into OpenSea:
    – Go to OpenSea.io.
    – Click on the ‘Conect Wallet’ in the top right.
    – Connect your wallet by selecting MetaMask (or your Web3-compatible wallet).
  2. Switch to Polygon:
    – At the top of OpenSea, you will see a dropdown for different networks.
    – Select ‘Polygon’ from the dropdown.
  3. List Your NFT:
    – Navigate to your profile or wallet section on OpenSea.
    – Click on the NFT you want to sell.
    – Click on the “Sell” button.
  4. Specify your selling terms:
    – Price: Decide on a fixed price for your NFT or allow buyers to place bids.
    – Currency: Choose the currency in which you wish to be paid. On Polygon, MATIC is the most common.
    – Expiration Date: If you want your listing to have a deadline.
    – Private Sale: If you’d like to sell your NFT privately to a specific address, you can input it here.
    – Review your listing details and, when ready, click on “Post Your Listing”.
  5. Confirm the Transaction:
    – Your MetaMask wallet will prompt you to confirm the transaction.
    – On the Polygon network, the gas fees are usually very low. Confirm and submit the transaction.
  6. Monitor Your Listing:
    After you’ve listed your NFT for sale, you can monitor any bids or offers on OpenSea.
    If someone purchases your NFT, the agreed-upon amount will be credited to your wallet, and the NFT will be transferred to the buyer automatically.